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Bring in in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bringclearearnfetchgainintroducemakepull inrealiserealizetake inSimilar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutMeaning: v. 1. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment 2. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages 3. be sold for a certain price 4. submit (a verdict) to a court 5. transmit. 
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61 Dolan could bring in yet another partner to raise money.
62 The Democrats set up a committee to fire them and bring in Democrats, and Daley took part in the gleeful task.
63 New owners in San Diego paid to bring in good talent, and the team record and attendance have improved dramatically.
64 When she went to bring in the mail, though, and found the mailbox full of lilacs, her heart flooded.
65 Relatives often have to provide non-medical care as well, and patients have to bring in their own blankets and bed linen.
65 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
66 S. businesses, which bring in around 30 percent of all its revenues, a priority.
67 In any particular organization individuals bring in these anxieties from their inner, phantasy worlds.
68 Some, including Marquet, say the country has to move more aggressively to bring in foreign investment.
69 It may also bring in its wake the danger of a too-ready acceptance of that which is not yet proven.
70 Yeah, bring in the candy bars, the cookies,[] and all that jazz.
71 It will also be more difficult to bring in relatives and easier to expel immigrants.
72 It was unfair to drop players who had given their all against West Indies and to bring in others against Sri Lanka.
73 Herrera urged Congress to work out with the Minister of Finance some financial plan which would bring in additional revenue.
74 We know that their learning curve on the job is less than anybody else that we might bring in.
75 He is now giving Alan and Jody a realistic picture of what it takes to bring in a sizable endowment.
76 My priority is to drive the business, bring in the revenue, no matter what it takes.
77 An ambitious task ... but they're convinced the combination of suspense and high flying drama will bring in the cinema audiences.
78 Everyone agreed you had to bring in the nukes eventually.
79 Compulsory competitive tendering will oblige local authorities to bring in managers who demonstrate their ability to deliver the best services to tenants.
80 We will bring in much tighter labelling requirements for all foods, and make funding available for food research and scientific establishments.
81 But one analyst said it made sense for Murdoch to bring in Malone to help finance the Dodger purchase.
82 Ford has launched a big sales campaign in an effort to bring in new customers.
83 To be sure, these projects have helped to bring in tourists.
84 They feel fixing the area will bring in more visitors, which in turn will inspire new businesses to open.
85 One also needs to be wary of the inequalities that market mechanisms bring in their wake.
86 His latest move was to bring in highly regarded chef Brian Whitmer as a working partner.
87 Male speaker I agree, and I hope Gloucestershire will eventually bring in a legal budget.
88 Bring in related work experience with the emphasis on how quick you are to learn new skills.
89 Migrant labor might even bring in small savings, accumulated on the road, to supplement some households' resources.
90 This required all staff to work overtime or for the Command Center to bring in workers to cover unfilled shifts.
More similar words: engineeringcoming inbringbring upbring outbring downbring backbring aboutbring togetherbring forwardengineengineerringmanagingemergingdebuggingring outring upstringduringencouragingofferingmotheringgatheringdischargingspring upbearingspioneeringfilteringat the beginning
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